Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well its that time again... a nice little Christmas break. Jessamyn did a wonderful job of making our home feel all Christmasy


Angels Explained by Children

I only know the names of two angels. Hark and Harold.
Gregory, 5

Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it.
Olive, 9

It's not easy to become an Angel! First, you die. Then you go to heaven, and then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes.
Matthew, 9

Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else.
Mitchell, 7

My Guardian Angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science.
Henry, 8

Angels don't eat, but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!!
Jack, 6

Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead.
Daniel, 9

When an Angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath, somewhere there's a tornado.
Reagan, 10

Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an Angel comes in through your window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, Angels go north for the winter.
Sara, 6

Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter.
Jared, 8

All Angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn't go for it.
Antonio, 9

My Angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head start on helping me while she was still down here on earth.
Katelynn, 9

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?

What a wonderful example of how one simple act of kindness can have such huge effects! When I heard of the story of the Starbuck's in Florida that experienced people paying for the driver behind them all day long I just smiled. I have always believed that in order to make a difference in this world we need to "be the change" we want to see. It was just so encouraging to see such a display of random people perpetuating that notion.

According to news reports Arthur Rosenfeld began this chain of generosity in a purposeful effort to “change the consciousness” after experiencing the angry honking person behind him. My mother who died recently used to say: “Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?”

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Justice always has something interesting for me, I love the horoscopes and the tarot decks. Fun, fun, fun, I could hang out there all day.

Today's Card for Everyone:


This Deck: Crow's Magick

General Meaning: Traditionally, what has been known as the Justice card has to do with moral sensitivity and that which gives rise to empathy, compassion and a sense of fairness. Since the time of Solomon, this image has represented a standard for the humane and fair-minded treatment of other beings.

Often including the image of a fulcrum which helps to balance competing needs against the greater good, and a two-edged sword to symbolize the precision needed to make clear judgments, this card reminds us to be careful to attend to important details. It's a mistake to overlook or minimize anything where this card is concerned. The law of Karma is represented here -- what goes around comes around.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Enjoy Parenting

There is a wonderful website that sends me a daily e-mail called "The Daily Groove" there are always some wonderful tid-bits of insightful parenting or even life advice. Here is an example:

The Daily Groove
Life Is Messy... Get Over It!
by Scott Noelle, posted on 2006-11-15
In man's quest to conquer nature, our culture has developed an unhealthy aversion to the natural messiness of life.

Heaven forbid you should eat an apple that isn't nice and round and free of bug bites. Those get made into applesauce so we never have to see their messiness!

And if our high-tech, Star Trek fantasies were real, we could avoid the messiness of birth and simply "beam" babies out of the womb — without a drop of blood in sight.

Even if you're a "crunchy" parent who's not afraid of nature's messiness, there may be other kinds of messes you abhor, like the messy ways children learn, explore, and process emotions. Or the messy way you grow through parenthood.

Today, whenever you feel bothered about anything, ask yourself, "What 'messiness' am I resisting?" Are you not allowing your own process to be messy?

Well, get over it! Life IS messy. :)

Let life's messes remind you how good it is to be ALIVE!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Are You A Good Cook?

I found this little quiz today, I fancy myself a fairly good cook, so I thought I would take the challenge. I guess I am not quite as good as I thought I was. Oh well, its always good to have something to strive for.

You Are a Learning Cook

You've got the makings of an excellent cook, and the desire to be one.
But right now, you're just lacking the experience. You couldn't be a top chef yet, but you could be an apprentice.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy Chanukah

Tonight is the 8th night of Chanukah or Hanukkah as it is also spelled.

to learn more about Chankuah have a look at this article

Chanukah in a Nutshell

V'al Hanissim


And [we thank You] for the miracles, for the redemption, for the mighty deeds, for the saving acts, and for the wonders which You have wrought for our ancestors in those days, at this time—

In the days of Matityahu, the son of Yochanan the High Priest, the Hasmonean and his sons, when the wicked Hellenic government rose up against Your people Israel to make them forget Your Torah and violate the decrees of Your will. But You, in Your abounding mercies, stood by them in the time of their distress. You waged their battles, defended their rights, and avenged the wrong done to them. You delivered the mighty into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and the wanton sinners into the hands of those who occupy themselves with Your Torah. You made a great and holy name for Yourself in Your world, and effected a great deliverance and redemption for Your people Israel to this very day. Then Your children entered the shrine of Your House, cleansed Your Temple, purified Your Sanctuary, kindled lights in Your holy courtyards, and instituted these eight days of Chanukah to give thanks and praise to Your great Name.

Friday, December 7, 2007

My Brothers and Me

Tim, Chris, Cherie, Abt 1971
Originally uploaded by ^Cherie
My brothers Chris and Tim came to vist over Thanksgiving weekend.

Its been over 20 years since I have seen them and we had so much fun.

Lets not let another 20 years go by ok boys?

By the way who are those dogs? Is one of them named Brodie?

Click here to see more pictures of my siblings

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hi I Am Cherie

Hi I am Cherie
Cherie n her pappa Chuck

that is me with my dad a really long time ago.

This is my blog.. stay tuned for more interesting tid bits about my life.